Pure Ayurveda

    • Badishep Arka


      Badishep Arka combines three herbs that have always been a part of traditional Ayurvedic remedies for stomach and gas-related problems. The primary herb Badishep is combined with Ova or ajwain or carom seeds and Jeyshtamadh to provide sustained relief from the problem.  Just combine these Carminative with healthy diet and regular exercising and say goodbye to flatulence and abdomen pain…

    • Haridra Khand


      Our Haridra Khanda contains turmeric—a powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant—along with 25 medicinal herbs that’s combined with ghee and sugar for the perfect balance between taste, good health, and total detox.  From reducing instances of skin infections to a stronger digestive system to detoxifying your body—all this and more is possible by just having 1-2 teaspoons of Haridra Khanda with milk every…

    • Bal Songati


      Benefits of Bal Songati include better resistance to ailments, prevention of minor ailments, and overall good growth of the baby.  With natural ingredients with zero risk of side effects, this is a tasty way to boost your child’s health in the crucial first 12 months of the baby’s life. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Kadujire Churna


      May be useful in diabetes and obesity. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Balhirda


      It May be useful in stomach disorders. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Shothahar Lepa


      ‘Shotha’ means Inflammation and ‘Har’ means to defeat or overcome, that’s Green Pharmacy Shothahar Lepa for you.  An anti-inflammatory plaster that is natural, organic, and completely safe to use. Infused with herbs and medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties, just applying lukewarm paste of the Shothahar Lepa on the area of swelling or inflammation should provide fast-acting and sustained relief. [sc…

    • Ova Arka


      Ayurvedic Gripe water. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Eladi Vati


      Eladi Vati contains virtually all the herbs commonly recommended for throat pain—khadisakhar, Jeshtimadh, Khajur, Manuka, Madh, Dalchini and more. Instead of fussing around with different herbs and concoctions, just one pill of Eladi Vati should do the trick.  With work days filled with Zoom meetings and conference calls, bid adieu to irritating throat trouble and find your booming voice again.…

    • Saptarangi Churna


      It can be useful in obesity and diabetes. It may be helpful to improve overall health of diabetic people. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Tulas Bee


      Just soak the tulsi seeds overnight in half a cup of water and drink it on an empty stomach first thing in the body to have a healthy and refreshing start to your day. Tulsi seeds are very effective in countering hyperacidity and constipation, which means you can say goodbye to chemical remedies and rely on a natural and herbal…

    • Avipattikar Churna


      Containing Triphala, Trikatu, Cardamom, Nagarmotha, Clove, Tamalpatra and other herbs and sweetened with candy sugar, a tea spoon of this churna mixed in water and consumed three to four times a day will help you bring your hyperacidity under control a lot faster. Combine this with a proper diet and regular eating schedules to enjoy a happy and acidity-free life.…

    • Ashwagandha Churna


      It is unctous and Ushna in proprties. Health suppliment for male and may be useful as a energy booster and for fitness purpose.

    • Indrajava Churna


      It is deworming and can be used for detoxification as per physicians advice. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Kharik Powder


      Rich in Vitamins and natural sugars, this is a great snack to boost your energy without any worries of weight gain or other health problems. Our entire range of dry fruits is cleaned, sorted, and packed in the most hygienic environment. Our Kharik powder is made with good quality black dates and are deseeded and processed to ensure its nutrients…

    • Khokla Kadha


      Kaadha is the traditional Indian remedy for common yet troublesome ailments like cold, sore throat, cough, and other respiratory disorders.  Green Pharmacy’s Khokla Kadha combines the goodness of a wide range of anti-cough herbs with the convenience of an easy-to-drink syrup that can be consumed by both adults as well as children.  [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Madhuhar Churna


      Worried that diabetes will never let you lead a happy and normal life?  Combine healthy eating, emphasis on fitness, and regular doctor consultations with Green Pharmacy Madhuhar Choorna to enjoy life to the fullest.  [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Haridradisar Gandush


      Haridradisar Gandoosh contains Jeshtimadh, Vekhand, Halad, Beheda, Dalchini and other herbs that will cleanse your mouth of germs and impurities and give you effective relief from the problem of bad breath.  For best results, do Gandoosh or gargling twice or thrice a day and make it a part of your oral care routine just like brushing and flossing. 

    • Gandharva Vishwa Churna


      Gandharva Vishwa helps to remove toxins and lubricate joints internally. It is useful in joint pains, arthritis, backache, and lumbar pain. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Dalchini Churna


      Indian Spice. Aromatic oil in it improves circulation and May be useful in nausea, bad breathe, painb and fattyness. One-fourth spoon of Dalchini powder thrice a day should be taken with honey or as it is. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Amrutdhara


      A blocked or congested nose can make your life a living hell, which is why our Ayurvedic respiratory stimulant is named Green Pharmacy Amrutdhara—flow of nectar.  Containing the essence of aromatic herbs like Ovaphool, Bhimseni, Kapoor, and Pudinaphool, a whiff of this respiratory stimulant will soothe your blocked airways, ease breathing easy, and make life worth living again!  [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Gomutra Arka


      Extracted and distilled from gomutra of desi cow, our Gomutra Arka is processed in a controlled environment to minimize loss of nutrients. Benefits of gomutra include cleansing of our digestive system and flushing of toxins out of our body. Also, you can look forward to glowing healthy skin through regular consumption of Gomutra Arka.  Rediscover the magic of our ancient…

    • Bhaskar Lavan Churna


      Useful in indigestion Bhaskar lavana Churna helps improve digestion. It is useful in loss of appetite, gases, flatulence, colic and indigestion. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Gandharva Haritaki


      Castor oil is a very effective laxative and regular consumption of Haritaki will bring your problem of constipation under control very quickly.   Stomach troubles can make you lethargic and make it difficult for you to focus on anything other than your discomfort. This natural and effective solution will make your digestive problems disappear and help you regain control of your…

    • Hingashtak Churna


      Hingashtak Churna is carminative and digestive. It is useful in gases, flatulence, colic and indigestion. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Jatamansi Churna


      It is coolant. It may be useful in insomnia. It can be used to control blood pressure and anxiety. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Manjishtha Churna


      It is blood purifier. It may be helpful to enhance complexion and skin disorders. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Shatadhauta Ghrita


      Cream or ghee obtained from cow milk is one of the best solutions for general skin care, which is why Green Pharmacy’s Shatadhauta Ghrita uses the purest ingredients from desi cows.  From treating cracks in your soles and palms to dry skin, Shatadhauta Ghrita offers quick relief for all. It is also a useful thing to have in hand for…

    • Avipattikar Tablet


      Say goodbye to chemical medicines and start popping Green Pharmacy’s Avipattikar tablets the next time you have acidity.  Avipattikar churna containing nine herbs mixed with candy sugar is a very effective remedy for hyperacidity. If you want something more convenient than mixing the churna into water and drinking it three or four times a day, then just switch to our…

    • Shilakumbha Tablets


      Simply switching to healthy snacks and meals won’t help unless you detoxify your body and equip it to flush out the toxins. Our Shilakumbh tablets are made by preparing a decoction containing numerous herbs and medicinal plants including ambehalad, kadavi nai, jambhul, guduchi, kokam, karle, and more.  With no risk of side effects, these tablets are a safe and effective…

    • Pachak Tablet


      It helps to digest food and empty bowels smoothly. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

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