
    • Madhuhar Tablet


      Keen on traditional Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes but don’t have to the time to be mixing churnas multiple times in a day? Just check out Green Pharmacy’s Madhuhar Tablets. Every Madhuhar tablet contains a balanced dose of karela or bitter gourd, jamun or Indian blackberry, neem, along with Indian gooseberry, methi, and other herbs and medicinal plants. Combined with haldi…

    • Bal Songati


      Benefits of Bal Songati include better resistance to ailments, prevention of minor ailments, and overall good growth of the baby.  With natural ingredients with zero risk of side effects, this is a tasty way to boost your child’s health in the crucial first 12 months of the baby’s life. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Ashwagandha Tablet


      From helping the body manage stress better to increasing focus and concentration to boosting muscle strength and general health, there’s a lot to gain by making Ashwagandha a part of your normal diet.  The best thing about our Ashwagandha tablets is that it contains just the extract of the herb with no additives or chemicals, which means zero worries about…

    • Eladi Vati


      Eladi Vati contains virtually all the herbs commonly recommended for throat pain—khadisakhar, Jeshtimadh, Khajur, Manuka, Madh, Dalchini and more. Instead of fussing around with different herbs and concoctions, just one pill of Eladi Vati should do the trick.  With work days filled with Zoom meetings and conference calls, bid adieu to irritating throat trouble and find your booming voice again.…

    • Avipattikar Tablet


      Say goodbye to chemical medicines and start popping Green Pharmacy’s Avipattikar tablets the next time you have acidity.  Avipattikar churna containing nine herbs mixed with candy sugar is a very effective remedy for hyperacidity. If you want something more convenient than mixing the churna into water and drinking it three or four times a day, then just switch to our…

    • Triphala Tablet


      Bow to the holy trinity of Indian natural medicine—Amla, Hirda, and Behada with Green Pharmacy’s Triphala Tablets.  A mild laxative, this is the best way to detox your stomach and body without pumping in more harmful chemcials into your system.  [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Shatavari Tablets


      Shatavari is an excellent immunity booster that’s extremely beneficial for lactating mothers as well as for those with ailments like diabetes, brochitis, and kidney or bladder stones. But if mixing its powder in warm milk every night is not convenient, then just pop 1-2 tablets a day and you are done.  Your body will enjoy the benefits of this fantastic…

    • Sanshamani Vati


      Described as Medhya Rasayana or a memory enhancer in Ayurveda, Gulvel is the only ingredient used in Green Pharmacy’s Sanshamani Vati. Called Gudichi in Sanskrit, Gulvel is a very versatile herb that is used in a wide range of formulations for compating depression, infections affecting the stomach, ear, urinary tract, and other parts of the body. It is an effective…

    • Pachak Tablet


      It helps to digest food and empty bowels smoothly. [sc name="offerimage"][/sc]

    • Shilakumbha Tablets


      Simply switching to healthy snacks and meals won’t help unless you detoxify your body and equip it to flush out the toxins. Our Shilakumbh tablets are made by preparing a decoction containing numerous herbs and medicinal plants including ambehalad, kadavi nai, jambhul, guduchi, kokam, karle, and more.  With no risk of side effects, these tablets are a safe and effective…

    • Turmeric Tablets

      Each tablet contains 500 mg of Halad or turmeric with no additional chemicals or additives. This means your body gets a healthy dose of curcumin every time you pop a turmeric tablet.  Turmeric is a medicinal herb cum spice that has been a part of our traditional medicine and cooking methods for thousands of years. And now, you can carry…

    • Tulsi Tablets

      Ayurveda descrives tulsi or holy basil as the queen of natural medicine, and you can enjoy its fantastic benefits any time you want with Green Pharmacy’s Tulsi Tablets. A fragrant herb that is an integral part of the Indian household—from the front courtyard to the pooja room to even the kitchen—tulsi is an excellent natural remedy for cough, cold, sore…

    • Dashanga Lepa Goli


      Just add water and make a paste of this goli and apply it on the problem area on your skin. Let it dry and wash it off for quick results.  Containing herbs like Jeshtimadh, Raktachandan, Haridra, Kushta, and Vala, Dashanga Lepa Goli has the right balance of the various benefits for a healthy skin. Of course, being herbal and natural,…

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